Paul Sears & Oscar Accorsi
Paul Sears & Oscar Accorsi

Paul Sears Paul has eaten approximately 68000 meals, watched over 20000 hours of television, is generally disappointed by Netflix movies with some noteable exceptions. He has probably read more books than Montaigne had in his library although he didn't finish all of them and didn't understand some. Travel has broadened his mind and helped him abandon some of his givens. There is music everywhere. Oscar Accorsi Born in Italy, 1958 Studied music composition with Salvatore Sciarrino at Accademia Musicale Città di Castello (PG). In 1985 he graduated in "Band Instrumentation" and in 1987 he graduated in "Choral music and choral conducting. He has worked as conductor and composer investigating, with the latter, mainly the relationship between the perception of the sound and his organization. Since 1993 his research adds to a compositional art activity to coordinate sound, matter and light in a unique theatrical with obvious implications . The "spectator" is not such, but is found to be mutated into "actor" without this new role may leave. To his credit has several solo and group in Italy, Belgium and USA. ​​ In 2008 form, along with Mauro Casappa, "OTTOelectro Sound and Visual Art", a group devoted to the proposal for electronic music "live", multichannel audio spatialization research, braided Vision Solutions, with performative character. Since a few years has further expanded his horizons facing video production and their use live, declined in installative and performative purposes, as well as the creative use of digital technologies (software, coding, etc. ).